Each year Faith Christian School aims to focus our attention on a theme or truth from God’s Word. That focus gives our chapel time, spiritual life retreats, staff devotions and other spiritual life activities a target truth to aim for and to hope in. This year's theme from Romans 8:29 reminds us that we are all made "In His Image" and therefore should reflect the attributes of God by being image bearers wherever we go.
"And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit," 2 Corinthians 3:18. We are designed to reflect the image of our creator, but this world would like us instead to focus on our image. This means that we are created as relational beings, designed to relate rightly to God, our neighbor, ourselves, and creation (designed to love outwardly, selflessly, for the Glory of God and the good of others, and creation). The curse of sin reverses this and distorts the image (rather than loving outwardly and worshipping God, humanity becomes self-focused, self-exalting, etc.).
The fact is, the more we know Him, the more we become like Him. Let's bring Him glory by reflecting Him through all we say and do.